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MP 133: Naming things is hard, but renaming things can be even harder.
Developing Python libraries with C extensions can be tricky. Learn how uv and setuptools can work together to build Cython-powered projects.
This post shows you how to create dynamic web forms, where fields are added on the fly, when coding within the Flask web framework.
A practical method for testing Django-based LLM apps with LangChain uses a custom fake backend to avoid mocks, enabling flexible refactoring and thorough validation of model interactions.
The factory_boy library is a tool for managing fixtures for your tests. This article shows you how to use it with Django.
Highlights from 2024 for the urllib3 team in terms of funding, features, and looking forward.
I use django-apscheduler to run a queue of scheduled tasks. Now I also need the ability to run one-off tasks and that turned out to not be so simple.
Making a file appear on ONE other computer
Use uv to make linting and testing on GitHub Actions around 1.5 times as fast.
Have you ever had a Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) document and just want to look at the dang thing?
The alternative Python interpreter PyPy is working towards a Python 3.11 compatible release. This post talks about how that is going and the challenges along the way.