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from signaller import Signal logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) def slot(arg): print('slot:', arg) # Creating signals (you can set signal name, but it is not required, # signals can be anonymous): sig_test = Signal('sig_test') # Connecting signals to slots (uses weak references by default, # but you can force strong references by specifying weak=False): sig_test.connect(slot) sig_test.connect(lambda arg: print('slot_lambda:', arg), weak=False) # You can also use decorators for connecting signals to slots: @sig_test.connect def slot2(arg): print('slot2:', arg) # And weak=False can be specified when using decorators too: @sig_test.connect(weak=False) def slot3(arg): print('slot3:', arg) # Slots are automatically disconnected from signals # when using weak references: del slot2 # Or you can disconnect slots manually: sig_test.disconnect(slot3) # Emitting signals (you can send positional and keyword # arguments to connected slots): sig_test.emit('Hello world!')