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This article shows you how to use MongoMock and MockS3 to power your integration tests on a FastAPI based project.
Abstractive summary is an AI task that rephrases and condenses text content into a summary. This article is a deep dive into how to ensure correctness and the math involved in ensuring fluency, coherence, relevance, and consistency.
In this tutorial, you'll preview the new static typing features in Python 3.12. You'll learn about the new syntax for type variables, making generics simpler to define. You'll also see how @override lets you model inheritance and how you use typed dictionaries to annotate variable keyword arguments.
In this tutorial, you'll preview one of the upcoming features of Python 3.12 and a proposed change to Python 3.13, addressing how subinterpreters work in the CPython program. The changes are described in PEP 684 and PEP 554.
In this tutorial, you'll take a deep dive into parallel processing in Python. You'll learn about a few traditional and several novel ways of sidestepping the global interpreter lock (GIL) to achieve genuine shared-memory parallelism of your CPU-bound tasks.