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This conversation is around Luke Plant’s excellent article Python’s “Disappointing” Superpowers that describes specific uses of Python’s dynamic capabilities that wouldn’t be possible in a static typed language.
How can you get more performance from your existing data science infrastructure? What if a DataFrame library could take advantage of your machine's available cores and provide built-in methods for handling larger-than-RAM datasets? This week on the show, Liam Brannigan is here to discuss Polars.
Ранее в PEP 690 предлагалось зафиксировать формат использования ленивых импортов, однако, PEP был отклонен. Это комментарии по этому вопросу
Гвидо сходил к Lex Fridman на Podcast. Подкаст вышел в 2 частях
How do you start packaging your code with pyproject.toml? Would you like to join a conversation that gently walks you through setting up your Python projects to share? This week on the show, Christopher Trudeau is here, bringing another batch of PyCoder's Weekly articles and projects.